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A Comprehensive Guide to Custom Trade Show Displays Options

Custom Trade Show Displays


Custom trade show displays are essential for businesses looking to make a lasting impression at trade shows. These displays help you stand out, attract attendees, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

To quickly understand why custom trade show displays are important:

  • They differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • They help attract your target audience.
  • They create a unique and memorable experience.

Trade shows can be highly competitive, with numerous booths vying for attendees’ attention. A well-designed custom display can be the key to drawing visitors to your booth and igniting their interest in your brand.

“An eye-catching booth is a magnetic centerpiece that converts casual onlookers into potential clients.” This quote encapsulates the core purpose of investing in a custom trade show display. Attendees have countless exhibits to choose from, and a unique display ensures your brand gets noticed.

Investing in a custom trade show display is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an environment that communicates your brand’s value and message clearly. It is about making your booth the one that stands out in a crowded hall, delivering a powerful and immediate impact.

Why Custom Trade Show Displays Are Important Infographic - Custom Trade Show Displays Infographic Mindmap-5-Items

Understanding Trade Show Display Costs

Budgeting for a trade show display can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable parts makes it simpler. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand the costs involved and how to budget effectively.


First, set a budget limit. This is the maximum amount you’re willing to spend. Once you know this, you can divide the funds into smaller categories. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Exhibit Space: Allocate about 10% of your budget for the space itself.
  • Staffing and Travel: Plan for around 25% of your budget.
  • Exhibit Design: This is a major cost, usually around 40% of your total budget.
  • Show Services and Premiums: Reserve about 25% for these.

This breakdown helps you see where your money is going and ensures you don’t overspend in one area.

Square Footage Pricing

The cost of exhibit space usually depends on the square footage. Prices can vary widely based on the location and the event. For instance, a small 5 x 10 booth might cost $500 in some places, while the same size could cost $1,000 in others.

Pro Tip: Book your space early. Many venues offer discounts for early bookings, helping you save money.

Total Budget Considerations

When budgeting, consider all aspects of the trade show:

  • Shipping and Freight: Shipping your display and materials can be costly, especially if expedited. Plan ahead to avoid rush fees.
  • Electrical and Internet Services: These are often extra and can add up quickly.
  • Promotional Items: Branded giveaways can be a great way to attract attention but ensure they fit within your budget.
  • Lead Retrieval Systems: Investing in technology to capture leads can improve your ROI.

Case Study: OneStop Northwest worked with a client who carefully planned their budget and saved 15% by booking services early and choosing cost-effective promotional items. This allowed them to invest more in their exhibit design, which ultimately attracted more visitors and leads.

Understanding these costs and planning accordingly ensures you get the most out of your investment in a custom trade show display. Next, let’s dive into the design elements that make your booth truly stand out.

Designing Your Trade Show Booth

Designing your trade show booth involves more than just setting up a table and a few banners. It’s about creating an experience that captures attention and communicates your brand’s message effectively. Here are some key elements to consider:

Bright Colors

Bright colors can instantly grab attention. Use them strategically to highlight important areas of your booth, such as your company logo or key products. According to Zoe Brookes, colors can trigger subconscious recognition, so choose a color palette that aligns with your brand’s personality and stands out on a crowded floor.

Empty Space

Empty space is just as important as the elements you include. Cluttered booths can overwhelm visitors and dilute your message. Keep your layout clean and organized to ensure that your key messages and products are easily visible. This approach not only makes your booth look more professional but also invites visitors to explore without feeling overwhelmed.

Clear Theme

A clear theme helps in creating a cohesive and memorable experience. Your theme should reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. For instance, if you’re a tech company, a sleek, modern design with interactive elements can enhance your brand’s image. Consistency in theme helps in reinforcing your brand’s message and making a lasting impression.

Brand Story

Your brand story is what sets you apart. Use your booth to tell this story visually and interactively. Share your journey, values, and what makes you different. People love stories they can relate to. Engaging visuals, videos, and even interactive infographics can make your story compelling and memorable.

Product Integration

Product integration means showcasing your products in a way that highlights their benefits and relevance. Use live demonstrations, interactive kiosks, or even augmented reality to let visitors experience your products firsthand. This not only draws attention but also helps in building a deeper connection with potential customers.

By focusing on these design elements, you can create a trade show booth that not only attracts visitors but also effectively communicates your brand’s message and value proposition.

Next, we’ll discuss some essential tips for designing impactful trade show booth graphics.

Trade Show Booth Graphics Design Tips

Creating effective trade show booth graphics is crucial for grabbing attention and conveying your message quickly. Here are some essential tips to help you design impactful booth graphics:

Who You Are

Your booth graphics should clearly communicate who you are. This means prominently displaying your company name, logo, and tagline. Make sure these elements are easily visible from a distance to attract visitors.

What You Do

Visitors should immediately understand what you do. Use straightforward language and visuals to explain your products or services. Avoid jargon or complex terminology. Simplicity helps in making a quick impression.


Highlight the benefits of your products or services. Instead of listing features, focus on how your offering solves problems or improves the lives of your customers. Use bullet points or short phrases to make this information easy to read.

Less is More

When it comes to trade show graphics, less is more. Avoid cluttering your booth with too much text or too many images. A clean, uncluttered design is more attractive and easier to understand.

Reading Flow

Ensure a natural reading flow in your graphics. People read from top to bottom and left to right. Arrange your information accordingly to guide visitors through your message effortlessly.


Maintain consistency in your design elements. Use the same color scheme, fonts, and imagery style throughout your booth. Consistent branding helps in building recognition and trust.

Use of Images

Select high-quality images that are relevant to your brand and products. A large, striking image can grab attention from afar. However, don’t overdo it; too many images can make your booth look cluttered.


Effective lighting can make your booth stand out. Use spotlights to highlight key areas or products. Creative lighting techniques can also create ambiance and draw attention to your booth.

Trade Show Booth Lighting - Custom Trade Show Displays

By following these tips, you can design trade show booth graphics that not only attract visitors but also communicate your brand’s message clearly and effectively.

Next, we’ll explore the different types of custom trade show booths available to suit your needs.

Types of Custom Trade Show Booths

When it comes to custom trade show displays, you have several options to consider. Each type has its unique benefits and can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Let’s dive into the various types available:

Custom Exhibit

A custom exhibit is designed from scratch to match your brand’s vision. These exhibits incorporate your brand’s graphics, colors, and unique elements, ensuring no other booth looks like yours. They are perfect for creating a memorable experience and attracting attendees. For example, ExpoMarketing provides free conceptual 3D renderings, so you can visualize your booth before final approval.

Rental vs. Purchase

Deciding whether to rent or purchase your trade show display depends on your long-term needs. Renting is cost-effective if you plan to use the exhibit only a few times. If you plan to attend multiple trade shows, purchasing might be a better investment. As noted, renting is ideal for testing the waters or if you need flexibility, while purchasing is best for consistent use with minimal changes.

Turnkey Projects

Turnkey projects offer a hassle-free solution where everything is handled for you—from design to setup. This is ideal for businesses that want a professional display without the stress of managing the details. Companies like OneStop Northwest offer such comprehensive services, ensuring your display is ready to go without hidden fees.

Portable Displays

Portable displays are lightweight and easy to transport, making them perfect for smaller trade shows or businesses on a budget. They come in various designs and can be set up without special tools. These displays offer flexibility and can be easily modified to give a high-end look without the custom price.

Banner Stands

Banner stands are a cost-effective way to make a visual impact. They are easy to set up and take down, and they come in various styles, including retractable and pop-up options. They are perfect for adding a professional touch to your booth without breaking the bank. Companies like Godfrey Group offer a range of banner stands that make your graphics speak volumes.

Information Kiosks

Information kiosks are great for engaging visitors with interactive elements. They can include video displays, literature racks, and demo stations. These kiosks help you capture leads and provide detailed information about your products or services. They are versatile and can be used in various settings, from trade shows to retail environments.

Outdoor Displays

For outdoor events, outdoor displays and event tents are essential. They are designed to withstand the elements while attracting attention. These displays can include large-format banners, tents, and demo stands. They are perfect for experiential marketing events where you need to stand out in an open environment.

By understanding the different types of custom trade show booths available, you can choose the one that best fits your needs and budget. Next, we’ll discuss how to make your trade show display stand out with interactive elements and technology integration.

Making Your Trade Show Display Stand Out

Standing out at a trade show can be challenging, but with the right strategies, your booth can attract a crowd. Here are some effective ways to make your custom trade show display unforgettable.

Interactive Elements

Interactive elements engage attendees and make your booth memorable. Consider incorporating:

  • Touch Screens: Allow visitors to explore your product catalog or company story interactively.
  • Games: Simple games or contests can draw in crowds and create a fun atmosphere.
  • Product Demos: Hands-on demonstrations let attendees experience your products directly.

Interactive displays not only capture attention but also encourage attendees to spend more time at your booth, increasing the chances of meaningful engagement.

Technology Integration

Integrating technology can elevate your booth’s appeal. Options include:

  • Augmented Reality (AR): Showcase your products in a virtual environment, allowing attendees to see them in action.
  • Virtual Reality (VR): Create immersive experiences that transport visitors to different scenarios or product applications.
  • Digital Displays: High-definition screens can display dynamic content, such as videos or animations, that highlight your brand and products.

According to ExpoMarketing, technology integration can significantly enhance the visual impact of your booth and create a modern, cutting-edge impression.

Live Demonstrations

Live demonstrations attract attention and provide a clear understanding of your products. Here’s how to make them effective:

  • Scheduled Demos: Announce specific times for live demos to create anticipation.
  • Expert Presenters: Use knowledgeable staff to explain and demonstrate the products thoroughly.
  • Audience Participation: Involve the audience in the demo to make it more engaging.

Live demonstrations not only educate but also entertain, making your booth a focal point on the trade show floor.

Promotional Models

Using promotional models can add a professional touch to your booth. They can:

  • Attract Attention: Models can draw in attendees with their presence and charisma.
  • Engage Visitors: They can interact with visitors, answer basic questions, and direct them to more detailed resources.
  • Distribute Materials: Hand out brochures, samples, or promotional items efficiently.

Promotional models help manage the flow of traffic and ensure that attendees leave with a positive impression of your brand.

Social Media Integration

Leverage social media to extend your booth’s reach beyond the trade show floor. Ideas include:

  • Photo Booths: Set up a branded photo booth and encourage attendees to share their photos on social media with a specific hashtag.
  • Live Streaming: Stream live demos or interviews on platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram Live.
  • Social Media Contests: Run contests that require attendees to post about your booth or products on their social media profiles.

Social media integration not only increases your booth’s visibility but also creates a buzz that can attract more visitors.

By incorporating these elements, your custom trade show display will not only stand out but also create lasting impressions that turn casual visitors into potential clients. Next, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about custom trade show displays.

Frequently Asked Questions about Custom Trade Show Displays

How much should I budget for a custom trade show display?

Budgeting for a custom trade show display can vary based on several factors, including the size, design complexity, and additional features you choose. Here’s a general breakdown to help you plan:

  • Exhibit Space: Allocate about 10% of your total budget. This covers the cost of renting the space at the trade show.
  • Staffing and Travel: Plan for around 25% of your budget. This includes travel, lodging, and meal expenses for your team.
  • Exhibit Design and Build: Expect to spend approximately 40% of your budget here. This includes the cost of designing and constructing your custom display.
  • Show Services and Premiums: Reserve about 25% for services like electrical, internet, and promotional items.

For example, if your total budget is $10,000, you might allocate $1,000 for space, $2,500 for travel, $4,000 for the display itself, and $2,500 for services and giveaways.

What are the key elements in designing trade show booth graphics?

Effective booth graphics are crucial for capturing attention and conveying your message quickly. Here are the key elements to consider:

  • Who You Are: Your company name and logo should be prominently displayed.
  • What You Do: Clearly state your main products or services.
  • Benefits: Highlight the key benefits or solutions you offer. Keep it concise.
  • Less is More: Avoid clutter. Use minimal text and large, high-quality images.
  • Reading Flow: Arrange text and images in a logical order that guides the viewer’s eye.
  • Consistency: Stick to your brand colors, fonts, and style.
  • Use of Images: High-resolution images that are relevant to your products or services.
  • Lighting: Proper lighting can make your graphics pop and attract more attention.

What are the benefits of a custom trade show booth over a rental?

Choosing a custom trade show booth offers several advantages over renting a standard display:

  • Uniqueness: A custom booth is unique to your brand, ensuring you stand out from competitors.
  • Brand Alignment: Custom designs can be tailored to perfectly match your brand’s identity and messaging.
  • Flexibility: You can incorporate specific features that meet your exact needs, such as interactive elements or specialized lighting.
  • Long-term Investment: If you attend multiple trade shows, owning a custom booth can be more cost-effective over time.
  • Higher ROI: A well-designed custom display can attract more visitors, leading to more leads and sales.

By understanding these aspects, you can make informed decisions that maximize your trade show success.


At OneStop Northwest, we understand that a custom trade show display is more than just a booth—it’s an extension of your brand. Our mission is to help you create a display that not only stands out but also effectively communicates your brand’s message.

Why Choose OneStop Northwest?

We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your unique needs. From flat fee display graphic design to free 3D renderings, we ensure that you see your display before giving final approval, eliminating any surprises. Plus, our commitment to no hidden fees guarantees transparency throughout the process.

Our Commitment to Quality

Our team of seasoned professionals brings years of experience and a deep understanding of trade show dynamics. We focus on high-quality graphics, innovative designs, and strategic elements to make your booth a showstopper. Our goal is to make your trade show experience seamless and successful.

Customer Success Stories

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results. Our clients have consistently rated us highly for our customer satisfaction, with many praising our ability to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality. One satisfied client noted, “OneStop Northwest made our last-minute trade show a huge success! Their attention to detail and quality was unparalleled.”

Ready to Elevate Your Trade Show Presence?

Whether you’re looking to rent or buy, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. From portable displays to custom modulars, we have the options to fit any budget and space requirements.

Feel free to reach out to us for a consultation and discover how we can help you make your next trade show a resounding success. Visit our Trade Show Services page for more information and to get started.

Let’s make your brand the highlight of the show!