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How to Design an Eye-Catching Trade Show Display in 5 Easy Steps

How To Design A Trade Show Display


How to design a trade show display that catches everyone’s eye can be a game-changer for your business. Trade shows offer an excellent opportunity to showcase your products and build relationships with potential customers. However, to make the most of this opportunity, your booth needs to stand out from the crowd.

Here’s a quick answer to get you started:
1. Set clear goals for your booth
2. Create an engaging layout
3. Choose a compelling color palette
4. Incorporate high-quality images
5. Use effective lighting

Trade shows are bustling environments filled with eye-catching displays. Your booth is competing for attention amid all this activity. A well-thought-out display can make people stop, look, and engage with your brand. First impressions are crucial; a memorable display makes a lasting impact and drives visitors to learn more about what you offer.

Following five easy steps outlined in this article, you will design a trade show booth that not only stands out but also makes a significant impact on your audience. Let’s dive in.

Steps To Design A Trade Show Booth - How To Design A Trade Show Display Infographic Process-5-Steps-Informal

Step 1: Set Clear Goals and Understand Your Brand Story

Before diving into how to design a trade show display, it’s crucial to set clear goals and understand your brand story. This foundational step ensures that every element of your booth aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience.

Setting Goals

Start by defining what you want to achieve at the trade show. Are you looking to:

  • Generate leads?
  • Increase brand awareness?
  • Launch a new product?
  • Network with industry professionals?

CEIR found that 88% of trade show exhibitors participate to raise awareness of their company and products. Clear goals help focus your design efforts and measure your success post-event.

Understanding Your Brand Story

Your brand story is more than just a logo and tagline; it’s the narrative that connects your company to your audience on an emotional level. A compelling story answers questions like:

  • Why was your company founded?
  • What challenges have you overcome?
  • What are your core values and mission?

Customers are more likely to trust and engage with brands they feel they know. As Steve Miller, author of How to Get The Most Out of Trade Shows, puts it, “Customers will never buy from you unless they feel they can trust you. And they’ll never feel they can trust you until they get to know you.”

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP is the one thing that sets you apart from competitors. It’s what makes your brand unique and valuable to your target audience. To define your USP, ask yourself:

  • What do we do better than anyone else?
  • What unique benefits do we offer?
  • Why should customers choose us over competitors?

Once you have your USP, make sure it’s woven into all your booth messaging and visuals. For example, when Navien showcased their heating and cooling products, they emphasized their residential and commercial product lines through a two-story exhibit, effectively communicating their USP.

Case Study: Navien

When tasked with designing a booth for a 2014 heating and cooling trade show, Navien aimed to showcase multiple demonstration zones without overwhelming visitors. They created a unique two-story exhibit that brought their product lines to life, incorporating plenty of whitespace to avoid clutter. This approach highlighted their USP and made their booth memorable.

Trade Show Booth - How To Design A Trade Show Display

By setting clear goals, understanding your brand story, and defining your USP, you lay a strong foundation for designing a trade show display that stands out and captivates your audience.

Next, let’s explore how to design your layout for maximum impact.

Step 2: Designing Your Layout for Maximum Impact

Designing an effective trade show layout is crucial for capturing attention and engaging visitors. Let’s break it down into four key areas: layout considerations, empty space, product integration, and interactive zones.

Layout Considerations

Start by planning your booth layout. Think about the flow of traffic and how people will move through your space. Your goal is to create an inviting and easy-to-navigate environment.

  • Entrance: Make the entrance welcoming and open. Avoid blocking it with furniture or displays.
  • Pathways: Ensure clear pathways for visitors. This helps prevent congestion and keeps the flow smooth.
  • Focal Points: Use focal points to draw attention to key areas, like a large back wall with your main message or logo.

Empty Space

Empty space, or negative space, is just as important as filled space. It prevents your booth from feeling cluttered and overwhelming.

  • Comfort: Leave enough room for visitors to move around comfortably. This encourages longer stays and more interactions.
  • Visual Clarity: Aim for 40% empty space in your graphics. This ensures your message isn’t buried by too many visuals.
  • Furniture: Use minimal and sleek furniture to keep the area open and inviting.

Product Integration

Showcasing your products effectively can make a big impact. Integrate your products into the layout in a way that highlights their features and benefits.

  • Display Areas: Create dedicated areas for product displays. Use shelves, pedestals, or stands to elevate products to eye level.
  • Demos: Incorporate demo stations where visitors can see your products in action. This is especially effective for tech or innovative products.
  • Signage: Use clear and concise signage to explain product features and benefits. Keep the text brief and readable from a distance.

Interactive Zones

Interactive zones engage visitors and make your booth memorable. These zones encourage participation and create a hands-on experience.

  • Touch Screens: Use touch screens to provide interactive product information or virtual tours.
  • Games and Contests: Host games or contests with prizes. This attracts visitors and keeps them engaged.
  • Virtual Reality: Incorporate VR experiences to showcase your products in an immersive way. This can be a major draw for tech-savvy attendees.

By carefully considering your layout, incorporating empty space, integrating your products effectively, and creating interactive zones, you’ll design a trade show display that maximizes impact and captivates your audience.

Next, let’s dive into choosing a compelling color palette and high-quality images.

Step 3: Choose a Compelling Color Palette and High-Quality Images

Choosing the right colors and images for your trade show display can make or break your booth’s success. Here’s how to get it right:

Color Theory

Color psychology is crucial. Different colors evoke different emotions. For instance, blue often conveys trust and professionalism, while red grabs attention and can create a sense of urgency.

Cooler colors like blue, green, and white appear professional but aren’t big attention-grabbers. Warmer colors like red, orange, and yellow are more engaging but need to be used wisely to avoid overwhelming your audience.

60%-30%-10% Rule

To keep your booth visually appealing, follow the 60%-30%-10% rule. This design principle helps balance your color choices:

  • 60% of a dominant color
  • 30% of a secondary color
  • 10% of an accent color

This rule ensures you don’t overdo it with too many colors, which can confuse and overwhelm attendees.

Brand Colors

Your brand colors should be the foundation of your palette. Consistency in color use helps with brand recognition. If your brand colors are blue and white, make those your dominant and secondary colors. Use an accent color that complements them.

High-Resolution Images

High-quality images can make your booth look professional and polished. Blurry or pixelated images can turn people away. Invest in high-resolution images that showcase your products or services clearly.

Practical Example

When tasked with designing a booth for Navien at a 2014 heating and cooling trade show, the team used a unique two-story exhibit with plenty of whitespace to avoid clutter. They also used high-quality images and followed the 60%-30%-10% rule to create a visually appealing display that effectively showcased Navien’s products.

By choosing a compelling color palette and high-quality images, you can create a trade show display that not only attracts visitors but also communicates your brand’s message effectively.

Next, let’s talk about making your booth interactive and engaging.

Step 4: Make Your Booth Interactive and Engaging

Creating an interactive and engaging trade show booth is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. Here are some effective strategies:

Interactive Displays

Interactive displays are a must-have. They encourage visitors to engage directly with your brand. Consider touchscreens, virtual reality (VR) experiences, or augmented reality (AR) setups. For example, Airbus used interactive kiosks alongside scaled models of their jets to attract business executives and showcase their latest fleet. This allowed visitors to explore the onboard experience in a hands-on manner.

Product Demos

Product demonstrations are incredibly effective. They offer a real-time showcase of your products’ features and benefits. In 2015, YUDO, a leader in plastic injection molding, incorporated a live demonstration of their automated machinery. This not only drew a crowd but also gave visitors a clear understanding of the product’s value.

Contests and Giveaways

People love winning. Hosting contests and giveaways can significantly boost foot traffic to your booth. Consider simple, fun games like spinning a wheel, a putting green, or a ring toss. Make sure the prizes are high-quality and relevant to your brand. Promotional giveaways should be items that your prospects actually want. High-quality branded items like mobile chargers, tote bags, or water bottles can keep your brand in mind long after the event.

Technology Integration

Integrate technology to make your booth stand out. Use digital displays to showcase videos or slideshows of your products. Use LED video walls for dynamic content that grabs attention. Ensure all tech elements are user-friendly and engaging. For instance, LG created a 4K OLED tunnel at IFA, Europe’s largest electronics trade show, which drew massive crowds and left a lasting impression.

Incorporating these elements will make your booth not just a display, but an experience. Next, let’s discuss the importance of lighting and visibility.

Step 5: Lighting and Visibility

Exhibit Lighting

Lighting is a powerful tool that can transform your trade show booth from ordinary to extraordinary. Effective exhibit lighting draws attention and enhances the visual appeal of your display. Use a combination of spotlights, ambient lights, accent lighting, and even strobe lights to highlight key areas of your booth.

For example, spotlights can be used to draw attention to your main products, while ambient lighting creates a welcoming atmosphere. Accent lighting can emphasize important features, such as your brand name or unique selling points.


Visibility is crucial in a crowded trade show environment. Your booth needs to stand out from a distance and be easily recognizable. One way to achieve this is by incorporating above waist-height messaging. Place your key messages and brand name at eye level or higher to ensure they are easily seen by passersby.

Think of your booth as a billboard. The most important information should be visible even when the booth is crowded. This ensures that your message reaches a larger audience.

Above Waist-Height Messaging

Above waist-height messaging ensures that your key information is visible even in a crowded space. Place your most important messages, such as your brand name, tagline, and unique selling points, at eye level or higher. This helps grab attention and makes it easier for attendees to understand what you offer at a glance.

For example, if you’re showcasing a new product, place a large, eye-catching banner above your booth with a clear, concise message about the product’s benefits. This not only draws attention but also helps attendees remember your booth.

LED Displays

LED displays are a fantastic way to make your booth more dynamic and engaging. They can be used to showcase videos, slideshows, or even interactive content. LED displays are bright, colorful, and can easily catch the eye of attendees.

Consider using LED video walls to display dynamic content that grabs attention. For instance, LG’s 4K OLED tunnel at IFA, Europe’s largest electronics trade show, drew massive crowds and left a lasting impression. This kind of innovative use of LED displays can set your booth apart from the competition.

Incorporating these elements will make your booth not just a display, but an experience. Next, let’s discuss the importance of lighting and visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions about Trade Show Displays

How can I make my trade show booth stand out on a small budget?

Standing out at a trade show doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are a few cost-effective strategies:

1. Use Bold Graphics:** High-quality, eye-catching graphics are essential. A large, striking image can grab attention from afar. Make sure your images are high-resolution to avoid pixelation.

2. Effective Lighting:** Good lighting can make a huge difference. Use inexpensive LED lights to highlight key areas of your booth.

3. Interactive Elements:** Simple interactive elements like a prize wheel or a small product demo can engage visitors without costing a lot.

4. Clear Messaging:** Focus on a single, clear message that tells attendees what makes your brand unique. This avoids confusion and makes your booth memorable.

5. Branded Giveaways:** Offer small, useful giveaways that attendees will keep. Think pens, notepads, or reusable bags with your logo.

What are the best practices for incorporating technology into my booth?

Integrating technology can make your booth more engaging and memorable. Here are some best practices:

1. Touch Screens:** Use touch screens for interactive product demos or to collect visitor information. This engages attendees and provides valuable data for follow-up.

2. Digital Displays:** Use digital displays to showcase videos or slideshows about your products or services. This can attract attention and convey information effectively.

3. Virtual Reality (VR):** If your budget allows, VR can provide an immersive experience that sets your booth apart. For example, a real estate company could offer virtual tours of properties.

4. Social Media Integration:** Encourage attendees to share their experiences at your booth on social media. Use a branded hashtag and consider a photo booth for fun, shareable moments.

5. Charging Stations:** Offering a place for attendees to charge their devices can draw people to your booth and keep them there longer.

How do I choose the right color palette for my trade show display?

Choosing the right color palette is crucial for making your booth inviting and memorable. Follow these tips:

1. Stick to Brand Colors:** Use colors that align with your brand to maintain consistency. This helps in brand recognition.

2. 60%-30%-10% Rule:** Use this rule to balance your colors. Choose a dominant color (60%), a secondary color (30%), and an accent color (10%). This creates a cohesive and visually appealing look.

3. Understand Color Psychology:** Different colors evoke different emotions. For example, blue can create a sense of trust and professionalism, while red can evoke excitement and urgency.

4. Avoid Overuse:** Too many colors can be overwhelming. Stick to three to five colors to keep your display clean and focused.

5. Consider Your Audience:** Think about what colors will appeal to your target audience. For example, a tech company might use sleek, modern colors like black and silver, while a children’s toy company might use bright, playful colors.

By following these guidelines, you can create a trade show display that is both visually appealing and effective in attracting and engaging attendees.

Ready to take your trade show booth to the next level? Let’s delve into the critical role of lighting and visibility in making your booth truly stand out.


At OneStop Northwest, we believe that a well-designed trade show display is more than just a booth—it’s a powerful tool to engage attendees and leave a lasting impression. Our commitment to continuous innovation ensures that your display will not only stand out but also convey your brand’s story effectively.

One of our favorite examples comes from our work with YUDO, a leader in the plastic injection molding industry. For a 2015 plastics trade show, we designed a unique 3,200 square foot exhibit featuring a branded honeycomb header and a multimedia presentation tunnel. This creative approach drew visitors in and made their experience memorable.

We also collaborated with Airbus in 2017 to create an interactive trade show display that showcased their latest fleet of private corporate jets. By incorporating interactive kiosks and scaled models, we made it easy for business executives to learn about Airbus’ onboard experience, resulting in a highly engaging booth.

Our approach focuses on engaging attendees through interactive elements, high-quality visuals, and strategic lighting. For instance, incorporating touch screens, product demos, and live demonstrations can make your booth more inviting and informative.

Why Choose OneStop Northwest?

  • Custom Branded Displays: Our team offers flat fee display graphic design and free 3D renderings, so you can see your display before giving final approval. No hidden fees, guaranteed.
  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience and numerous successful projects, we know what it takes to create an eye-catching trade show display.
  • Continuous Innovation: We stay ahead of industry trends to ensure your display is modern, effective, and memorable.

Ready to make a bigger impact at your next trade show? Visit our Trade Show Services page to learn more about how we can help you design a display that captivates and engages.

By following our expert tips and leveraging the innovative solutions from OneStop Northwest, your next trade show display will not only attract attention but also drive meaningful engagement with attendees.